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Cover of Anthropology! Wow, it feels good to record normally again and not have to do holiday stuff :D Don't get me wrong, holiday songs are fun, but it's nice to get this channel back to it's orderly order XD So here's Anthropology. I love this song! I recorded this a few weeks ago and it's been ready, but I didn't get the chance to post it. Here it is finally! Guys it's almost the New Year and I'm soooooo excited :DDDD Got soo much more awesome things for y'all so stay tuned!
Song and lyrics belong to AwkwardMarina. Picture belongs to Caliazian (caliazian.deviantart.c... Probably MLP too. Instrumental belongs to David Larsen ( So I own nothing except for my voice. Ye. More to come! Thanks for listening!!!

Art found here: caliazian.deviantart.c...

Original Video found here:

AwkwardMarina found here: