So I wasn't going to upload this one, I wanted to do a song based on the Grimdark Fic Cupcakes yeah that one. Anyway Feel like it tonight so here. Whether you like it or hate it thanks for checking it out

Depicting the view of a victim...

Lets keep actual details of "cupcakes" out of the comments please, We have a younger audience as well as some who would not care to hear all the mumbo jumbo.

Image was made for me by Kanashiipanda It's a bit perfect don't you think?

This ones Eqd'd too~


I'm now accepting donations! Feel free to donate if you're feeling generous :3
Donation Link:

Thanks again for all the support everypony!


her name Is pinkamena diane pie
and she is here to draw a number
please not mine, im afraid
of the smile she wears
thoughts unknowing

I went to the store I saw her with straigtened hair
with a grin upon her face but was she really there?
I noticed her eyes so empty yet bold
then suddenly she snapped to me and chilled my very soul