For this release, we go back to a Brony classic, Flutterwonder.

The song is well known for it use of sentence mixing from the song 'So Many Wonders' in order to create a melody that is very different from the original. But the song also has other admirable qualities, including being very well paced and musically being very graceful and beautiful.

I thought it would be fun to do a cover of this song, as not only did I like the song itself, but I thought it would a challenge for me to make an arrangement of a song that uses only 4 chords that is well paced and doesn't get repetitive. I actually made this arrangement 5 months ago. When I showed it to the others we were still working on Discord and we obviously couldn't shift our attention onto it. Recently though, we decided that if we wanted to start making more videos and music we would have have to start putting less focus on having everyone in the videos, so everyone didn't have to play catch up when learning all the material. So this time, it's just me...oh, and Andrea Libman for voicing Fluttershy for me :P

Soundcloud: (MP3)
EQ Beats: (WAVE and other formats)

Original by PinkiePieSwear:


...Should I even bother...