Home Videos Search
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ProjectVinyl's search function is designed to work similarly to that of Derpibooru. Searching for a single tag name returns all videos with that tag, a list of tags returns all videos that have all of those tags.
Boolean Logical Group
Multiple terms can be combined using logical operators to further refine the returned result set.
) combines the results that match the terms on either side.
i.e.pinkie pie | vinyl scratch
returns results matchingpinkie pie
ORvinyl scratch
) only returns results matching both terms on either side. i.e. The same examplepinkie pie & vinyl scratch
will only return results that have both of those tags. So only videos featuring pinkie pie AND vinyl scratch. -
) can also be used to group terms or provide emphasis. They can make it easier to read and( pinkie pie | vinyl scratch ) & rarity
will provide different results topinkie pie | ( vinyl scratch & rarity )
. -
) Sometimes you just don't want to see something. The not parameter negates any query terms that come immediately after it. This can be any single tags-pinkie pie
, or a group using parentheses.- ( pinkie pie | rarity )
System tags
Videos additionally have support for searching them by many of their special attributes.
returns any videos with a matching name -
returns any videos with a matching source -
returns any videos posted by the named user -
returns videos only if they are an audio file -
returns videos only videos that have been liked by the current user (has no affect for anonymous users) -
equivalent tois:upvoted
but for dislikes
Ranged tags
All of the below tags may also be inverted by replacing the '<' with a '>'.
returns any videos with a length less than X where X is in the format of hh:mm:ss -
returns any videos with a score less than X
will match any terms. The query
will also matchpinkie pie
,pinkie rose
, or really anything beginning with the wordpinkie
I'm sorry, I'll try harder next time.