A super serious feels song for my favorite main character, Applejack. Originally written and recorded for Toastbeard ZIQ43 (theme: sleepytime). Lyrics and download link below.
Art by me (adamthewalker.devianta...

I'm sorry for taking so long to upload this! The reason for the delay is a partially-completed PMV, which I might release with a remastered version of this song at some point in the future.

Download: www.mediafire.com/?nxf...
I hear you're looking for a way to cope with all the things you've heard and seen
Letting your past envelop you like smoke and it's too late to let yourself breathe
You've done things you never ever should have done, building a wall, breaking them down
Filling your cup with love of a mother and father so recently placed in the ground
And it hurts when you let it show, so you do what you can to forget
Filling your heart with sadness

I never got the feeling you were one so easily cowed
But look at you now, proud, no longer keeping it together
And I know it can be a rockslide down, that there's
No easy way to escape pain, but if you could change the
weather, maybe you could smile Giving every
piece of yourself to fight back the sky black
Clouds, covering the ground, raining down
Soot, blood and tears and those flim flam fears you gotta
Share, this isn't the time, Ponyville needs you, to
Carry the weight of the whole town and weed too
There's barely time in the day to fit a thank you
It's more worry one mare can see through
Take a breath and close your eyes

Lie down and let yourself be carried away by the
afternoon breeze blowing down through the trees
In the morning you will rise
and then you'll
...stand back and look up at the sky finally
Free from fatigue and the stars in your eyes

Make some time to close your eyes and dream that everything will be alright
Take care of yourself before you lose your fight

There's nothing like the sound of hooves to chill you to your bones
A literalization of the metaphor of oh ho no
Maybe there is a place somewhere on the moon where
Everything's so far away from you now and you want to go back home but
Chill out This is just a path that you have chosen
Ponies that expect too much can't tell you where you're going
Everything is pressing in but you can find a way out if you
Make the time to close your weary eyes and slow down
And then you'll see you don't have to be the
Only one fighting for the world just take a
moment to, I dunno, make a stack of pancakes
Smother them in syrup and set them on a cheap plate
Stop to appreciate the best things in life
Open up to all the stuff that illuminates the night
When you get discouraged even if you feel alone
Well, it isn't like things that go wrong are the only things you own

Make some time to close your eyes and dream that everything will be alright
Take care of yourself before you lose your fight x2