Song #7 of Luna Orchestral!

MP3: (free)
Anything: captainbaschfire.bandc... (less free)

Album art by DizzyLPs!

1. If you were the general of this army, what would you tell them on the day of battle to inspire them? Leave a comment below!

2. My facebook page! Give it a like? you can keep updated with what i'm doing there :)


Many ponies heard Luna's call, and responded. They were ready to fight. They all gathered in ranks, joyous that their brothers were ready to join in arms. However, There was a sense of dread in the air. They were going to fight Celestia. However, Luna flew high above the ranks, and her glory shone through, inspiring them again.

The army slowed its march, and set up camp. Everypony was tired, though inspired. They settled down outside of the tyrant's city: Canterlot