EQD Feature Music of The Day #582 Thank you: www.equestriadaily.com...
Canterlot Hill: canterlothill.com/musi...
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Sorry for the late upload with this one, I'll take a break from release LP songs (just some days not a whole month or such :V) and will be releasing remixes and more importantly MLP remixes yep c:.

That being said my Detached EP may come out late so yea.....that's the reason why i'm doing MLP remixes as well :c. That and well there has be alot of things going on in my personal life (more so just going into college, and other grown up things :V which is why as well I haven't been replying to all comments as well,my bad) so again im sorry for the lateness in my music.

Phew,now enough of formalities and such, City Nights,I can say is one of the most funnest dnb tunes I have made to date c: and this really goes back into my roots of producing music so it's a win-win for us all :D. I also tried to experiment and see if I can create some swing dnb but alas it was meh :V. Producing swing of anything (mainly electro swing and dnb swing) is so hard because it is all in the groove,but don't you worry I ain't giving up and for sure I do have some tracks in the works soon,since Swing is honestly needs more exploring in this fandom.

I imagine this track being as liberating and free as ever as Cloudsdale being just a wonderful place to be on with the clouds and whatnot ^^. So enjoy this track for what it is and hope to see from you all soon, the next track from the LP will be Inwards Stratosphere the headlining track of this whole album :3

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