And The Rainfall - Over The Reals
- 00:00 / 05:16

And The Rainfall - Over The Reals
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And The Rainfall - Over The Reals
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And The Rainfall - Over The Reals
Winter Rose
2 October 2016
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This song is part of the compilation album Sori 52: a SoGreatandPowerful Tribute Album. Download the album for free here:
This song is dedicated to SoGreatandPowerful. I don't think I'll ever be able to express how glad and thankful I am to have come across his music and his person. Entire body of work has trascended mere superficial enjoyment and settled into that spot in my heart next to fond memories, and I'm really grateful for those ridiculous late night conversations, for sharing so much of himself with me, and for sticking by me when things looked bleak. This is a song inspired by those moments.
It's also a song about Trixie. It was born months ago, trying to think up what might have become of her after the incident with the ursa major. I figured she'd have lost everything, had some kind of our-of-body, alternate-plane experience thing brought about by exhaustion and sleep deprivation and starvation or something, and had a change of perspective. Or something. Or maybe it fits into what actually happened somehow, you guys decide.
This song is actually part of a tribute album created out of love and admiration (dohoho) for the guy. It's full to the brim of awesome moments, fantastic songs, and a nice little booklet with lyrics and pictures (if you're willing to overlook my prehistoric doodles), by very talented people. I strongly encourage you guys to get the full package, you won't regret it! It's entirely free, but if you're feeling generous, maybe you'd like to throw a buck at the guys from Your Siblings. They work super hard to make the world a better place little by little, and SGaP has shown his support for the charity before through Bronies for Good, by submitting songs for all of their compilation albums.
I want to thank the following pillbugs for lending their angelic voices to the choir. Give them love!
Koke (Dietkoke): www.youtube.com/user/0...
Forest Rain: www.youtube.com/user/p...
Le Soldat Pony: www.youtube.com/user/s...
Finally, I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your support. It's crazy to think that it's been little over a year since I released my first proper song, and now there's over a thousand of you who enjoy the stuff I poop out. I can't thank you enough for that, but I'm still gonna try, so thanks! Here's to hoping you'll wanna stick around for the who knows how many years that lie ahead!
(credit goes to that guy SGaP for the chorus of On My Own)
Shame, disembodied, but still lingering as she rides into the land
Shame, and not the mocking pride with which she used to pave the roads she went about
But what's a pony to do, oh, what's a pony to do
if the sun only shines for her, and she can say "I'm the most" and lean on a truth
that crumbles outside her lips
Laying in the dim light, thinking up ways to fit the stars in her cape
Think that such dim light can shatter the mistakes that poison her wake?
But what's a pony to do, oh, what's a pony to do
when fire won't burn for her anymore, when even dust runs out and the space left in its place
turns to question her, and says:
"What's your story about? Will you see it to a dichotomic end: the ground or the sky?
Are you a name or a life?
Here's to you: here's to rot and decay, here's to your jewels in flames, here's to your naked name.
Pull through; save a meaning for your words, find a saving spell in the vacuum that expands around you."
Every roadsign cuts a little deeper, the rough winds cheapen the careful finish,
and strip the polish coat after coat; a figure unlike its mold!
Sand that crumbles can't make a stand! Scattered sand cannot make amends!
The look behind bars tells a story it shouldn't know
Two pearls on the horizon light up hidden veins (fundamental avenues)
A subject stands at the edge of a world, wishing to cross, leap over the gap.
But when she does she doesn't understand what she sees:
"Is this all there is to be found around here?"
Asking ontological questions to make sense of...
Say, where does green end and blue begin?
Deep into the night it's no longer dark outside
(She can now see the strings that hold the stars up)
Aware of field lines that extend beyond the edges of her mind
It doesn't matter where her thoughts are pointed, she picks up a signal that when decoded
Delivers a song, yes, a song's all she hears
Everything turns off and a song's all she hears
(Everypony, every seed)
Just shine, it's just everyone, every flock, every pony,
every pony, nothing's easy,
Nothing's too hard with everyone's love, it's just love, it's every pony,
every pony, every seed
This song is dedicated to SoGreatandPowerful. I don't think I'll ever be able to express how glad and thankful I am to have come across his music and his person. Entire body of work has trascended mere superficial enjoyment and settled into that spot in my heart next to fond memories, and I'm really grateful for those ridiculous late night conversations, for sharing so much of himself with me, and for sticking by me when things looked bleak. This is a song inspired by those moments.
It's also a song about Trixie. It was born months ago, trying to think up what might have become of her after the incident with the ursa major. I figured she'd have lost everything, had some kind of our-of-body, alternate-plane experience thing brought about by exhaustion and sleep deprivation and starvation or something, and had a change of perspective. Or something. Or maybe it fits into what actually happened somehow, you guys decide.
This song is actually part of a tribute album created out of love and admiration (dohoho) for the guy. It's full to the brim of awesome moments, fantastic songs, and a nice little booklet with lyrics and pictures (if you're willing to overlook my prehistoric doodles), by very talented people. I strongly encourage you guys to get the full package, you won't regret it! It's entirely free, but if you're feeling generous, maybe you'd like to throw a buck at the guys from Your Siblings. They work super hard to make the world a better place little by little, and SGaP has shown his support for the charity before through Bronies for Good, by submitting songs for all of their compilation albums.
I want to thank the following pillbugs for lending their angelic voices to the choir. Give them love!
Koke (Dietkoke): www.youtube.com/user/0...
Forest Rain: www.youtube.com/user/p...
Le Soldat Pony: www.youtube.com/user/s...
Finally, I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your support. It's crazy to think that it's been little over a year since I released my first proper song, and now there's over a thousand of you who enjoy the stuff I poop out. I can't thank you enough for that, but I'm still gonna try, so thanks! Here's to hoping you'll wanna stick around for the who knows how many years that lie ahead!
(credit goes to that guy SGaP for the chorus of On My Own)
Shame, disembodied, but still lingering as she rides into the land
Shame, and not the mocking pride with which she used to pave the roads she went about
But what's a pony to do, oh, what's a pony to do
if the sun only shines for her, and she can say "I'm the most" and lean on a truth
that crumbles outside her lips
Laying in the dim light, thinking up ways to fit the stars in her cape
Think that such dim light can shatter the mistakes that poison her wake?
But what's a pony to do, oh, what's a pony to do
when fire won't burn for her anymore, when even dust runs out and the space left in its place
turns to question her, and says:
"What's your story about? Will you see it to a dichotomic end: the ground or the sky?
Are you a name or a life?
Here's to you: here's to rot and decay, here's to your jewels in flames, here's to your naked name.
Pull through; save a meaning for your words, find a saving spell in the vacuum that expands around you."
Every roadsign cuts a little deeper, the rough winds cheapen the careful finish,
and strip the polish coat after coat; a figure unlike its mold!
Sand that crumbles can't make a stand! Scattered sand cannot make amends!
The look behind bars tells a story it shouldn't know
Two pearls on the horizon light up hidden veins (fundamental avenues)
A subject stands at the edge of a world, wishing to cross, leap over the gap.
But when she does she doesn't understand what she sees:
"Is this all there is to be found around here?"
Asking ontological questions to make sense of...
Say, where does green end and blue begin?
Deep into the night it's no longer dark outside
(She can now see the strings that hold the stars up)
Aware of field lines that extend beyond the edges of her mind
It doesn't matter where her thoughts are pointed, she picks up a signal that when decoded
Delivers a song, yes, a song's all she hears
Everything turns off and a song's all she hears
(Everypony, every seed)
Just shine, it's just everyone, every flock, every pony,
every pony, nothing's easy,
Nothing's too hard with everyone's love, it's just love, it's every pony,
every pony, every seed
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