Part 2 of 3.

Part 1:




This song was born out of trying to imagine what traditional Equestrian songs might sound like. I'd been thinking about the songs we sing during posadas season in Mexico, and how there's so many of them, and though we don't know a lot about where they came from, we know most of them by heart; it's kind of a given. I was also listening to a lot of andean folk, and so I thought I'd give this style a shot, and write it in Spanish too while I was at it. There's a link to a translation of the lyrics above, in case you're interested.

The song talks about when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and tried to make the night last forever, and how Celestia thwarted her plans and banished her to the moon. It paints Luna as an evil abomination, and portrays Celestia and the Sun as sources of goodness that can be counted on even in the darkest of times. The story is told as a legend, and so the lyrics are constructed in a very crude manner. It seems to me like that's the case in most old songs about legends that I hear.

I like to imagine that this is a song that was born some years after Luna was banished. That the details of its conception are unclear, but it was taught by parents to their children, and so it spread across communities and generations, as a staple of their culture and traditions. I like to think that it is traditionally sung during Summer Sun celebrations, before the sun is out. Everyone gathers around bonfires to sing old songs about the sun, and so this song comes up at some point. Everyone just knows it by heart, nobody stops to wonder who made it or when, it's just a thing everyone knows. I think Luna would be irked by it after her return, though.

I'm sorry to take so long to release songs, and I'm very grateful that you choose to stick around! I hope you find something to enjoy here, and if you have any ideas as to how I can make it better, don't hesitate to let me know! Cheers, and thanks for listening!


Lyrics (translation link above):

Esta es una historia que hace incontables inviernos hubo de nacer
De una noche cuando el día se pensó nunca iría a volver
De una yegua cuyo miedo la convirtió en él

Una luna y otra sol: dos hermanas trabajando en son
La del día bañada en amor, la noche hundida en rencor
Con la promesa de una era de terror

Caballo negro, sueño del mal
¿Qué pesadilla nos traes?
Yegua en la luna, noche inmortal
¿Qué pesadilla nos traes?

Cuando el amor la dejó, la pequeña abandonó el trono
Y se armó de pistola y cañón, buscando la abdicación del día
Pero la hermana mayor, con pesar en el corazón
Puso la armonía sobre su dolor y acabó con la ira de la abominación

De la luna nos observa, nunca olvida lo que juró:
Son mil años de prisión, después el retorno del terror

Caballo negro, sueño del mal
¿Qué pesadilla traerás?
Yegua en la luna, noche inmortal
¿Qué pesadilla traerás?

Luces del alba levantan el alma,
Reaniman al corazón
La calma en el aire anuncia la mañana
Anticipa que viene el sol
No existe ausencia que apague la luz
Ni noche que extinga su calor
Aún en la oscuridad hay alegría
Al saber que ya viene el sol

(Light without dark can't be light
Days are not without the night)