It's unfortunate that Rainbow Factory is a massively well known song & fimfiction and yet there's been no musical adaption of the wonderfully written and yet terribly scary and grotesque Cheerilee's Garden (arguably one of the best of the grimdark bunch and the MLP equivalent of a Saw or Hostel). So here is a track i put together about the fimfic and with the help of my local friend Mathematicus (bridge guitar, advice, and many other elements). It's definitely not for the young kiddies (and you can push the button and elect for the non-pmv) but hopefully perfect for Nightmare Night and for those who don't mind a bit of scarier fare.

The fimfic is here (and again its a good scary and gory read)

Art thumbnail is by the departed swaetshrit swaetshrit.deviantart.... who sadly is no longer active.
Demotivational (split sides of cheerilee is from) SkiddleZIzKewl
And everything else was screenshot and cropped from the show itself.

I'll likely be getting stems up soon if anyone wants a crack at remixing this in a different style. If there's enough interest I'll release an ep of remixes in a month or so (already have a thrash metal version partway done that will be out with that). Details are here
I'lll likely make my own version more audible for that release as it was a common complaint. (and i did this for the album version)

Mathematicus is here and he's actually working on his own grimdark album of the mane 6 based on the ask blogs and they're worth staying tuned for. Please check him out and subscribe if that's at all interesting to you!

This is also the lead off track on mylittlecreeper1.bandc... and you can get that album (name your price) on bandcamp. Or get the remastered version on my album.

LYRICS (almost forgot those!!!) are on my tumblr. This description is long enough. lol

First Remix