I love Fallout. I love Fallout Equestria. So boom, bam, and damn, do we have a winning song lol.
This is about the protagonist of Fallout Equestria and anyone who has ever felt like shoving your victories in a hater's face. Having said that, I know everyone can relate to this song in some way. Yay.

Dem credits doe:
Music and lyrics: Psychgoth
Lead Vocals: ----- CyriltheWulf
Back Vocals: ----- L-train, Sonic Suns
Rhythm guitars: -- Radix
Lead Guitar: ------- Warbalist
Visuals: ------------- Acleps

Stem Pack: www.mediafire.com/?9b2...

Song Download: robbidez.bandcamp.com/...


Saviour! Saviour! Go find peace and fight no more!

Out of haven and forced to leave, fear I feel but now I'll breathe!
Out of prison and into hell, fire I see and smoke I smell!

You tried to see if you could break me!
This heart of steel will never yield!

Biting bullets and tasting rust, I've beaten your horrors, endured your tortures!
Now these scars will tell them all you sent hell and I did not fall!

In a world where might makes right I will fight for those who cannot fight!
With the strength to bear these arms, I will suffer evil and bring it harm!

They look to me for hope and safety!
So I will fight to bring them light!