Not a Big Mac x Cheerilee song, that's just part of the visualizer. =3

Ok guys, this is part of a compilation album contest, check the download section for details. Also, huge thanks to VINXIS for the visualizer! Just as a bit of an experiment, I decided to go for a bit of chillout (more like easy listening now) about winter in Equestria. I had more fun with this than anything I've put out so far, so hope you enjoy!

----------Link Dump----------
Tumblr: legino-italiano.tumblr...

----------Visualizer Credits----------
Guy who made it:

SO HERE'S THE DEAL. This song is part of a contest on reddit, the idea being that there are 6 teams (I was part of Team Twilight), each producing one album. Whoever raises the most money with their album wins, so if you guys want to root for us, chip in a bit of money if you download it! All money goes to charity, but there's no real prize, so feel free to download for free or get another team's album!