I'm very very happy to get this out. Super proud of it. You can go grab it on Silva's new Hooves Up High remix suite here for free: silvahound.bandcamp.co...

Silva's channel: www.youtube.com/user/d...
Rina Chan(nel): www.youtube.com/user/m...

Obligatory Links Dump

BANDCAMP (download my albums!) - generalmumble.bandcamp...

FACEBOOK (I'll post every song and album release here) - www.facebook.com/pages...

TWITTER (listen to me be mundane) - twitter.com/#!/general...

TUMBLR (I blog stuff, also ask me questions) - generalmumble.tumblr.com/

DEVIANTART (I make a lot of my own song and album art. View a bunch of it and more here) - poowis.deviantart.com/

SOUNDCLOUD (Free MP3s and sometimes WIPs) - soundcloud.com/general...

WEASYL - (Free MP3s and sometimes art) www.weasyl.com/profile...