
Finally finished this remix. Took a long time, but mostly due to procrastination.

It's been such a long time since I began making this - I can't remember what I was supposed to write here in the description. Either way. I'm not dead, but still on my minor hiatus, just to cover up my lack of productivity.

Tried a bunch of new things in the video, but will probably never do something like this again for a long time. I'm lazy.

Completion time - 15 hours

Soundcloud - soundcloud.com/noldent...

Original (by the PhonyBrony) - youtu.be/TpLsLWZc6Zo

I put up another link for download. The "Buy" button should take you there. ('Don't know how I put it as a regular download link)

For the lazy ones out there, here it is:

Vectors/Bitmaps Used
Philomena - korikian.deviantart.co...
Peewee - catnipfairy.deviantart...