I wrote this song awhile back and decided it would be a part of a 3 song trio about my feelings on the brony community for Evdog's New sincerity project. It's been very tough being a part of a community for over 2 years and seeing so many of my idols and fellow musicians leave the community in droves over that time. Many of the people who first attracted myself and others to the fandom were the first to go and many of the first wave are now all gone. It's really difficult seeing what's left of mylittleremix and this community and trying to pick up those pieces and carry on in their shadows. This is a bittersweet song but i really do love these guys and gal's music and wish them the best with whatever they do next. I'm sorry if many of them never had a chance to realize how many people their music effected us and we never got a chance to talk to them and to tell them that personally.

Art "Please Don't Leave" is By Aymint aymint.deviantart.com/... Thanks so much for letting me use this as it really evoked what i wanted to say.

New Sincerity is a brony event album that's out now. You can get it here;
I would appreciate any help getting the album or any of my ytube songs submitted to EQD. A lot of people lent a hand in making this album over a period of 5 months. I hope you enjoy the compilation as there's some very good music there, a lot of collaborations, and some thought provoking material.

Lyrics (long list) are here:

Thanks to Terolie and Evdog for backup vocal help. It really added to the track and I appreciate that help a lot.
For Terolie:
His youtube is www.youtube.com/user/T...
His soundcloud is soundcloud.com/terolie
For Evdog :
His youtube is www.youtube.com/user/E...