Well Im back. I finished spring semester. So now its time to make.....DA musickz!
This was created as a reprise to Wintertime in Equestria. It has relatively the same instrumentation, however I did add a new instrument I have never used before, Tibetan Singing Bowls, they sound interesting, kind of like a celesta or a vibraphone but different in timber so I might incorporate them more often. Other than that I used mainly stock Logic Pro instruments, I did use LA Scoring Strings to help fill out the harmonies in places.

Going to Everfree, so whoever is going Ill see you there in like 1.5 month's.
Im also putting up a bandcamp and accepting donations to help pay for Everfree. All my stuff is still free.

Links for pictures: fav.me/d518uz6 Luna Pic at the end

DL link: dl.dropbox.com/u/88246...