"I'm Pancake!-- I mean awake!"
2c "I'm Pancake!-- I mean awake!"Never gets old. :twilightsmile:
Seems I can't make a new thread, so I guess I'll just ask here. Does Project Vinyl have a Discord server? Really interested in joining if it does.
2h Seems I can't make a new thread, so I guess I'll just ask here. Does Project Vinyl have a Discord server? Really interested in joining if it does.It doesn't at the moment, at least not a public one. I intended for there to be, but other members opted to keeping it for private use.
2i 2h Seems I can't make a new thread, so I guess I'll just ask here. Does Project Vinyl have a Discord server? Really interested in joining if it does.It doesn't at the moment, at least not a public one. I intended for there to be, but other members opted to keeping it for private use.Coolio, I'll be waiting for the news to break. :pinkiehappy:
2k 2i 2h Seems I can't make a new thread, so I guess I'll just ask here. Does Project Vinyl have a Discord server? Really interested in joining if it does.It doesn't at the moment, at least not a public one. I intended for there to be, but other members opted to keeping it for private use.Coolio, I'll be waiting for the news to break. :pinkiehappy:Hi pal! I would like to inform you that we would love for you to share this site around like wildfire <3
It doesn't at the moment, at least not a public one. I intended for there to be, but other members opted to keeping it for private use.
Coolio, I'll be waiting for the news to break. :pinkiehappy:
Hi pal! I would like to inform you that we would love for you to share this site around like wildfire <3
I sure will! This is honestly the best MLP site I've found, aside from the obvious EQD.