So this is a song about the girls issues with dealing about elitism and snobbery in Canterlot. I'm sure many people have noticed that whether its the mane 6 at the Gala or its Rarity by herself, that there's a lot of unicorns (and other ponies) there that use class and status to feel better then their peers and look down on others. Ponyville is often looked down upon. Ultimately while clearly not everyone is this way over there, there's enough examples, like Jet Set and Upper Crust, to see this as a recurring theme. This song also incidentally also deals with the same problem within the music fandom that i've experienced first hand; at a local bronycon (not you Odyssey, you're a very nice guy and you were sick as hell) and online. Sometimes its best to take all those negative feelings about a mostly positive experience into a song and then move on.

This track is on New Sincerity (along with a great cover / piano interpretation of this track by Oliver Lacota) is a brony event album that's out now. You can get it here;
A lot of people lent a hand in making this album over a period of 5 months. I hope you enjoy the compilation as there's some good music there, a lot of collaborations, and some thought provoking material. It's free or you can throw Ev and the rest some love $.

Thanks Evdog for the amazing singing on this track.He really could sing in way that was far beyond my capabilities and he blew away my expectations. I hope you are subscribed to him as I've collabed with him more than anyone else.
His youtube is

Thanks also to RainSnowHail for the mixing help on this track. She definitely improved the final result. Thanks a ton.

Song Lyrics are all on my blog (subscribe...if you want to)