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Ain't fwutters just adorbz
Original by PinkiePieSwear: youtu.be/viTkj0eu-fk

MP3 Downloads (320kbps)
DL1: soundcloud.com/pearlgr...
DL2: derpy.me/0N1yV
DL3: mushrooshi.com/sounds/...
DL1: derpy.me/DgDOC

♥ You may create derivative works (AMVs, PMVs, Gaming videos, etc) using my music. Please just link back to my original YouTube or Soundcloud upload! Promo-channels may repost my music too! ♥

Hiii guys, this is the 2nd track I've produced, and I'm very very happy with it! Flutterwonder was one of the first pony tracks I loved, and I think it is fitting I remix it~

I'd love to give my thanks to everyone who prelistened and gave me advice, but I'd especially love to give my special thanks to Assertive Fluttershy, Sleepypony, SMOR3S, and Brightcake for some specific and very well needed criticism and improvement suggestions! This track wouldn't have turned out the way it did without y'all
Video by Chang31ing: www.youtube.com/user/C...
Check out his channel~

Bonus production bits:

Intro drums at half speed, from BrightCake, sounds hiphoppish

Did "Bass Boost +12dB" for the lulz
Since this was my 2nd track, I was basing it off of a few tracks I really liked. They were:

Memory Lane by Netsky
Paint it Black by Sigma
Regrowth by Addictia
BooHoo by Assertive Fluttershy

Oh yeah, about Regrowth, I totally stole the idea for a scrolling cityscape in the background, and Chang31ing went with it :P