After Dashie and Fluttershy set Clanker free in the cavern, they regroup with Twilight and her friends and they decide to go to Treasure Trove Cove. When they got there, Twilight turned around and saw five ponies with mixed up cutie marks, based on the fact that she cast a spell on the Elements of Harmony which caused to change colors and their ponies' destinies. It's going to be hard for them to find the jiggies because the five ponies have different cutie marks.

Pinkie Pie (Applejack's Cutie Mark)
She must spell BANJO KAZOOIE inside the Sandcastle.

Fluttershy (Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark)
She must keep Nipper laughing with party items.

Rarity (Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark)
She must get to the lighthouse without changing the weather.

Applejack (Rarity's Cutie Mark)
She must find treasure on Blubber's ship.

Rainbow Dash (Fluttershy's Cutie Mark)
She must get in the water and tame Snacker the Shark, but it won't be easy.


MLP by Hasbro
Banjo Kazooie by Rarewaree