DOWNLOAD the song here! Please, feel free to donate if you wish~ It always helps the channel and ensures that I can continue producing quality content for you guys! :+) apillowinspace.bandcam...
Hey guys, NomNom here! It's been a while since I composed something like this... but I have returned, and I am as glad as ever to bring you El Miedo de la Sombra!
(Fear of the shadow - translated into English)

<Also, yes, the pony in the video is my OC ;p ]

The image, drawn by the wonderful Mscootaloo, is in the mysterious perspective that you cannot see what the fear itself is

Yes, it has been a while since I composed a creepy composition, but i'm glad to be back, and I hope this song takes you all by storm! ;D


The AWESOME art, as I say again, made by MSCOOTALOO, can be found here! mscootaloo.deviantart....

And as well, those EPIC visual effects to add on the eeriness were made by LFP, who's works can be found here! www.youtube.com/musico...