*Please read Description*

To download an mp3 of this, copy the url, and go to www.youtube-mp3.org , paste the url, convert, and download. It is absolutely 100% free, and is only meant to download youtube videos to mp3's. :D

Ok. first off, yes I am a brony, yes I just uploaded this video, yes I made the music, and yes FlutterShy is my favorite, don't ask why, for the real question is "Why not?"

This took me about three hours to make? Four? It took a long time, basically. Why did I make this? Well, because I felt like it. I know, it might have a couple of errors in it, but I like it, considering I made it from memory of the song. :3

Plus, I added my own little intro and somewhat of an ending. I think I could have done better, but oh well.

I used FL Studio 10 to make the music, Edirol Orchestral for the instruments, and Windows Movie Maker to piece it together. The picture is from google images.

Enjoy :D